Salale University, Office for Academic Programs and Quality Assurance, conducted two days Training workshop for the Institutional
Quality Auditors, Directors, and Deans on institutional quality auditing in collaboration with HERQA (Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency) at Salale University Seminal Hall. On the occasion, it has been stated that since the office for Academic Programs and Quality Assurance, under the office of the Academic Vice President, has a plan to conduct institutional quality audits in the current academic year, this training plays a paramount role in equipping the auditors with the appropriate professional knowledge and make them ready for the auditing task.
Dr. Tsegaye Deyou, in his opening remarks, announced that our University, has a plan to conduct a quality audit and prepare an institutional self-evaluation document in the coming few weeks. Dr. Tsegaye further stated that this training paves the way to pinpoint the status of our university which leads us to put a certain direction on the areas that needs focus. He also points out that, the training would be quite helpful in preparing the internal quality auditors for the desired task.
Ato Endeshaw Mengistu, Director for Academic Programs and Quality Assurance office, in his closing remarks disclosed that all the stakeholders should take into account what has been given on the training to ensure quality, and work for hand in hand to scale up our institution visibility in all aspects to become competent in providing quality education.
The participants of the training also expressed their satisfaction over the Training Workshop as they were able to grasp practical facts about quality assurance mechanisms that would help to accomplish their auditing tasks.