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  1. Overview

Geography has been broadly accepted as a bridge discipline between human and physical sciences. In the beginning, Geography focused on the physical aspects of the earth, however, modern Geography is an all- encompassing discipline that seeks to understand the earth and all of its human and natural processes as integrating elements. Geography has emerged through time as a trans-disciplinary subject integrating the regional diversity with the concepts of the timing of space and the spacing of time. Its history is closely connected with the history of human society and its development. However, as a science, Geography is relatively young and many of its fundamentals appear during the nineteenth century.

In Ethiopia, the teaching of Geography at the tertiary level started in 1950 at the then University College of Addis Ababa (UCAA). By then, Geography was offered as an important field of study to students from social sciences stream. Since 1958, the department of Geography, now renamed Department of Geography and Environmental Studies as of 2002, has been offering the program in different public universities leading to the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Geography and Environmental Studies. Nowadays, the program is given in majority of the public Universities in Ethiopia and it is one of popular program, which is most preferred by most undergraduate students from both social as well as natural science streams.

Attributed to advancement of technology and newly emerging issues in the field of geography, the program is becoming wider in scope. Geography as a field of study is composed of two main branches: Human Geography and Physical Geography. Apart from the two main branches, it is also composed of technical/skill based courses, which include Geo-information sciences, Cartography, Map Reading, and Surveying.

Now we live at a time when computers are widely used to acquire and process geo-data, store, retrieve and manage spatial information. Geographic Information System (GIS) including Remote Sensing (RS) technologies emerged as one of the main tools of spatial analysis and graphical presentation in geographical studies. This is a new development to the field of geography. Environmental issues such as climate change; desertification & global warming, and environmental degradation are important issues of these days. Globalization in its environmental, cultural and economic perspectives is a recent and important development.

With the intention of having harmonized curriculum in all higher institutions in the country, a modular curriculum approach was adopted and it has been implemented since 2005 E.C. However, due to the recent change in higher institution education policy of the country, there is a need to revise the already existing modular curriculum to customize to the newly developed policy. It is with this demanding change that Salale University, Department of Geography and Environmental studies was given the mandate to work on the revision of the curriculum.

 The revision of the curriculum was conducted in consultation with Geography scholars from other public higher institutions in the country and other stakeholders. Very important and relevant inputs were obtained from the participants through online meetings and face to face validation workshop conducted in different phase of the revision.

 2.      Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals

a.      Vision

The vision of the Ethiopian government in the area of education in higher institution is to attain quality education and training system which assures at producing competent citizens. In line with this, the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies is to be a center of academic excellence in the field of Geography and Environmental Studies through innovative teaching of recent perspective of Geography and enhance awareness of the earth as a living planet with reference to human-environment interaction and resulting physical and human phenomena and their spatial variation amongst students of the discipline and allied sciences.

2.2 Mission

The missions of the programme are:

  • Implementation of the New Education and training Policy of the Country which demands academically qualified professional for the undergraduate educational
  • Producing academically qualified experts who can work research and community based activity on geographically diverse areas of the
  • Expanding the geographic research horizons and to effectively integrate it with the national planning and development;
  • Implementation of Ethiopia’s short and long socio-economic development plans by producing the necessary skilled manpower in both quality and quantity for the country’s
  • Enhancing the quality of geographical education for broader applications and its implementation for the resolution of human problems;

2.3 Values

The programme has the following values:

  • Excellence in Education – Offer a rigorous, high-quality education to all students and make a continuous and concerted effort to develop its academic and research programs to the center of excellence.
  • Quality- Exert a continuous effort to deliver highest standard academic and community
  • Student Success – Place learner needs at the center of our academic service programs
  • Diversity – Achieve multicultural understanding as a priority of educational and civic life
  • Integrity – Operate with fairness, honesty, and the highest ethical standards to sustain a student and community of trust in its academic and public
  • Relevance- Give a considerable attention to make sure that all academic and research activities are oriented to meet the needs of all stakeholders in particular and the development of the society in general.
  • Innovation- Strives to advance innovativeness among the academic community and
  • Democracy and transparency- Promotes principles of democratic values and transparency in its academic and administrative
  • Academic freedom- the programme adheres to principles of academic freedom in an effort to advance academic wisdom and create an environment for free discussion and dissemination of ideas and research
  • Participatory- the programme encourages and creates a system for the active involvement of all stakeholders in all its undertakings and decision-makings.
  • Equity- the programme promotes; affirmative action to encourage female participation both students and staff. social inclusiveness to disabled students, staff and community members social justice to initially disadvantaged regions and ethnic groups
  • Accountability- the programme promotes accountability at individual and institutional levels with full answerability to the public and the University

2.4 Goals

The programme:

  • Impart current knowledge and practical skills to Geography graduates through theory, practices and field exercises;
  • Prepare qualified professionals who engage in local, national, and global issues;
  • Provide relevant, up-to-date, and integrated theoretical and practical skills that can be applied to solving community issues and problems;
  • Integrate the curriculum with marketplace and societal needs and to prepare students for careers in the public and private sectors or for advanced graduate study;
  • Provide optimum community service;
  • Conducts high quality research on relevant issues;
  • Conducts high quality professional training; and
  • Instill in students ethical and moral values related to citizenship and community

3.      Rationale of the Program

This curriculum is developed and validated with representatives from other Universities. Having considered the policy guidelines, the programme under Geography and Environmental Studies has general objectives in the training of competent and responsible professionals who can participate in various endeavors in the society. Therefore, in designing the new curriculum, special emphasis was given to improve the program’s facilities, mode of course delivery and methodologies to be used, integration and continuity of the programme and adding practical and research related courses. 

As stated above, Geography is concerned with the spatial dimension of Geographic Phenomena and interconnection of humans and environment. Studying Geography is nurturing sensitivity for our neighbors, society and the world. It also enables us to understand the spatial pattern, to adopt and manipulate physical environment with wise decisions and to solve geographical problems in daily lives.

Geographic knowledge and skills help in developing our economy, to use resources more efficiently and keep the environment in good shape. Geography not only mediated between natural or physical sciences and biosciences on one hand and the social sciences on the other but also bridged and synthesized their mutual common broad spectrum underpinning through its core thrust on man - environment relationships, which naturally integrate them all.

  1. Programs
  • Regular undergraduate program “Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies
  • Both in Regular and weekend postgraduate Program “Master of Arts (M.A) in Environment and Climate Change Management
  1. Staff Profiles  


 Full Name


                              Field of Study/Specialization






Habtamu Atlaw


BEd in Geography and Environmental Studies

M.A in Urban Development and Challenges


Assistant Professor


Hailu Muleta


Geography and Environmental Studies

M.A in Socioeconomic Development Planning




Gadisa Worku


Geography and Environmental Studies

MA in Public Policy & Sustainable Development




Tesfahun Endalew


Geography and Environmental Studies

MS.c in Geo Information Science 




Betelhem Mesno


Geography and Environmental Studies

MS.c in Geo Information Science 




Selamawit Kebebew


Geography and Environmental Studies

MS.c in GIS and Remote Sensing 




Kebebew Ambaye


Geography and Environmental Studies

MS.c in Natural Resource and Environmental Management

 On study  leave



Usman Gedalas


Geography and Environmental Studies

MS.c in Natural Resource and Environmental Management




Mekdes Matiwos


Geography and Environmental Studies

M.A in Socioeconomic Development Planning 




Yomif Feye


Geography and Environmental Studies

M.A in Public policy & Sustainable Dev’t




Tamirat Ameya


Geography and Environmental Studies

MA in Urban and Regional Development Planning




Mitiku Tamir


Geography and Environmental Studies


On study  leave




Emebet Dagne


Geography and Environmental Studies

On study Leave





Dr. Getachew  Megersa


BEd in Geography and Environmental Studies

M.A in Environment and Development

Environment and Development

PhD with Assistant professor

  1. Facilities
  • GIS Laboratory rooms
  1. Contacts
  2. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Geography and Environmental studies
  3. Contacts of the current Department Head This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. // This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  4. Phone number: +251912148038// +251918655311

Visitors Counter



Oromia Health Bureau

Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute

Oromo Research and Cultural  Development Center Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority Books for Africa




The University of Kansas

Southern Medical University

Vellore Institute of Technology University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Saharsa Crop Science



Catholic Relief Service

Jiangsu University

Nelson Mandela University Netherlands Senior Experts Group Lebniz University



Indiana State University –USA

Ohio State University -USA

Geological Survey of Ethiopia National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center Entrepreneurship Development Center




STEM Power Ethiopia

Livestock Development Institute

Salale Development Group Initiative Environment and Coffee Forest Forum Federal Forest Development Institute