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Salale university college of Health science, is one of the five colleges in salale  University which has started Health sciences with 76 students in two Departments 3 years back in 2016 e.c. and now we do have 73 academic staff and  580 students in four Regular departments and three post basic departments.

To realize the vision of our college, active participation, involvement and determination of the college community at large and the students, academic and support staff members in particular is indispensable. In our way to get our vision, we need to put a lot of efforts on ensuring quality in all spheres of our service delivery: teaching-learning, research, community.

Indeed, quality assurance is not a onetime event. It, rather, requires continuous improvements and thus we have to improve our service delivery day-in-day-out by learning from our experiences and drawing lessons from benchmarked colleges and institutions of similar nature.

 Beside education and, we have provided community services to our society especially collaborating with Fitche Hospital and other Health facility in North shoa. We will continue to do the same in the years ahead by expanding our outreaches, increasing the diversity and ensuring the relevance and quality of our programs.

Our college is one of in-service training center in the country which provide courteous professional development for health profession and COC for level IV pharmacy, medical laboratory and nursing.   

There are four active departments within our college,which are :

1.Department of Medical Laboratory Science
2.Department of Midwifery
3.Department of Nursing
4.Department of Public Health officer




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