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Plan Preparation Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate

Plan is a set of activities required to achieve a desired goal. It is the first and foremost activity to achieve desired results. Salale University Plan Preparation Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate was mandated to prepare, monitor and evaluate  the University strategic and annual plan. The University prepared 3years (2017-2020) strategic plan by assigning strategic plan preparing committee in 2017 that guide the overall Development.

 Based on the strategic plan, the directorate prepared 2018/19 annual plan of the university and cascaded to the directorates and colleges. In the preparation quarter of 2018, the college and Directorate prepared their own annual plan by considering the cascaded goals and targets. After preparation of the plan all collages and directorates enter to the implementation process as per their schedule. During the implementation period monitoring and evaluation was made whether the plan achieved or not. Quarter performance meeting was conducted with university counsel which include all collage deans, directors, department heads and team leaders, at the end of discussion direction was given how to improve the un well performed targets and activities. In 2018/19 academic year all collages and directorates performed their plan well.

Plan Preparation Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate has the following   duties

  •  Prepare strategic and annual plan of the university
  • Prepare short and long-term  program budget of the university
  • Monitor and Evaluate the implementation of strategic and annual plan of the university
  • Prepare and present regular monthly and quarterly report and disseminate  to concerned bodies
  • Conduct quarter meeting based on the quarter  implementation performance  report
  • Prepare check list to monitor  the implementation performance
  • Give feedback to     college and Directorate based on their  performance
  • Recommend and implement modifications to improve effectiveness
  • Ensure to take appropriate planning measures 
  • Follow up the implementation of the project as per the agreement   




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