THEME I: Educational Advancement and Quality Assurance
This research theme aims at research for generating knowledge, skills, innovations, technologies and best practices for improving educational quality, relevance, equity, standard, quality assurance, and educational leadership. It is expected that researchers will focus on: improving the quality of teaching-learning process, student learning competence and achievements, professional development, leadership development, educational planning, curriculum enhancement, school education improvement programmes, application of ICT and other technologies for enhancing quality of education, and inclusive education; interlinking education with research results, with community based education, with industries as well as businesses; creating enabling environments and facilities for teaching and learning, including for special-need students; evaluating educational standards, dimension, models, and tools for quality assurances; and investigate student assessment, guidance and counselling, and the link between quality assessments and policy interventions as well as functional adult literacy and other forms of non-formal education.
Research Areas
- Access to and Quality education
- Educational Road Map
- Educational planning and management
- Special needs and inclusive education
- Curriculum inquiry
- Applied psychological research
- Assessment and evaluation of teaching-learning
- Educational quality assurance
- Adult education and community development
THEME II: Society, Culture and Tourism
Society and culture is a conceptually based research theme that intends to promote awareness of the socio-cultural continuities, problems and changes within societies and cultures. This theme specifically draws on cross-disciplinary problems and social issues such as sociology, anthropology, political science, philosophy, social psychology, social ecology, language, literature, communication, culture, and heritage resources, and tourism. It aims to investigate and conserve socio-cultural values and historical and natural heritage resources so as to harness, promote and communicate them for sustainable development of the society. Its results could provide knowledge to critically analyse complementary and contrasting viewpoints about people, societies, cultures, environments, and their interactions across time. This particularly addresses societal issues, various heritages, linguistic and literary resources and their usefulness for tourism. Such socio-cultural resources are better communicated to the society across the globe through different media. The role of media for tourism, development, good governance, education and others will be addressed.
Research Areas
2.1. Biographical Research
2.2. History, archaeology and Heritage management
2.3. Nature and Tourism
2.4. Socio-cultural dynamics
2.5. Language, literature and society
2.6. Media and communication
2.7. Folklore
2.8. Indigenous knowledge documentation and archiving
THEME III: Human Security and Social Development
Research under this theme is intended to inform policy and public debate and to identify and examine key current and future human and societalproblems. This research theme basically aims at the dynamics of human and social behaviour, societal change, and the evolution of modern society. It aims toaddressthe pressing development concerns with a focus on, among others: cultural diversity and social integration; education; growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge-based economy; socio-economic and scientific indicators; it analysing gender-based issues,and justice; sustainable and enhanced service delivery for humans; peace building and conflict resolution.
Research Areas
3.1. Peace and Security
3.2. Contemporary Political Dynamics
3.3. Nation Building
3.4. Indigenous Dispute Resolution
3.5. Substance Abuse
3.6. Children and Women abuse
3.7. Unemployment
3.8. Labour Exploitation
3.9. Human trafficking
3.10. Gender Equality
THEME IV: Governance and the Rule of Law
This theme is designed to investigate how the governance system is operating and impacting the well-functioning of various socio-political environs; generate knowledge and understanding of how to enhance good governance and alleviate multi-faceted problems that challenge the country; and investigate the policy, legal, and institutional framework underlying conflict management system, land rights and tenure security, access to justice and family rights; and reveal the gaps and shortcomings therein. It is expected that the researchers willaddress problems in government institutions, access to justice, conflict management, land rights protection, and the socio-economic as well as business environment. It touches up on all the nature, norms, roles and evolution of institutions in the economy and other vital institutions and organizations. The governance aspect of this study focuses on understanding how the governance system in Ethiopia facilitates or hinder the sustainable development process. It also inquires on the policy, legal and institutional frameworks of state machineries and customary systems that define, support, and stimulate economic and social interactions. This theme with its wide areas of concept, context and content is, thus, identified to contribute to our understanding of the multi features, structures and functions of the rule of law, land administration, real world economic institutions and organizations.
Research Areas
5.1. Governance and leadership
5.2. Land laws and institutions
5.3. Human rights and access to justice
5.4. Federalism
5.5. Global governance
5.6. Hydro politics
5.7. Crime and crime prevention
5.8. Access and administration of justice
5.9. Law and Business
THEME V: Development and Environment
This theme investigates how the socio-economic systems, policies, and markets influence the well-functioning of various institutions in the socio-economic and business environment. It will address various issues including analysis of the well-functioning of socioeconomic systems, operations of the business environment, and roles of institutions in development, the mechanics of development policies, livelihood conditions as well as food security and poverty reduction strategies. Under this theme, the multidirectional influences of the functions of institutions with poverty and food insecurity, human development, environment, markets, overall economy and ecology are the issues to be explored. This also encompasses how to profile, shape and enhance the roles of institutions in allocating and channelling resources (natural, financial, human, physical and social capital) into productive investment activities in optimal, cost effective and sustainable manner in the future. Nevertheless, development and environment are inextricably linked, and researches will focus on how sustainable development can be achieved without compromising the environment.
Research Areas
5.1. Institutions and business environment
5.2. Market, value chain management, and enterprise development
5.4. Poverty, livelihood, and food and nutritional security
5.5. Macroeconomic dynamics and stability
5.6. Development policy analysis
5.7.Handicraftsmen, Micro and Small Scale Enterprises
5.8. Sustainable Development
5.9. Rural, Urban Planning and Development
5.10. Migration, Displacement and Development
3.11. Rural Social Changes and Development
3.12. Law and Development