The Salale University Continuing and Distance Education Program was initially commenced by Addis Ababa University in 2013 G.C. at the Abebech Gobena Campus, by launching five programs in the weekend program, namely Economics, Management, Accounting and Finance, Afan Oromo, and Amharic. Later on, as a result of the demand of North Shewa community and governments educational policy, Salale University was established in July 2015 to take over the Abebech Gobena Campus in general, and Continuing and Distance Education in particular.
Soon the office of Distance and Continuing Education of Salale University, in order to reach the public and support the community service effort of the University, the program has increased the enrolment modalities to three (summer, evening and weekend) and expanded the number of Continuing and Distance Education centers.
The Continuing and Distance Education Program of Salale University has graduated about 290 students enrolled in both evening and weekend programs. It is also offering tuition fee waiver (both partial and full) to about 112 students comprising of public servants of different offices of North Shoa Zonal Administration, people with disabilities and to the needy both in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
Currently, approximately 1,330 students in the undergraduate program and about 587 students in the postgraduate program are attending their study in three centers (Tadesse Biru Campus, Kuyu/Garba-Guracha Town center, and Sululta Town center) under 9 and 25 programs, respectively.
Summary of programs and student population enrolled in the Continuing and Distance Education Program
No |
Items |
Postgraduate |
Undergraduate |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total |
1 |
Number of Graduates |
- |
- |
- |
182 |
108 |
290 |
290 |
2 |
Number of Students |
501 |
86 |
587 |
759 |
571 |
1,330 |
1,917 |
3 |
Number of Scholarship |
24 |
9 |
33 |
55 |
24 |
79 |
112 |
4 |
Number of Programs |
25 |
9 |
34 |
Vision, Mission, Objectives and Core Values
The CDEP office of Salale University aspires to become a competent and preferable continuing and distance education center in Ethiopia by 2030 GCC.
The mission of the CDEP of Salale University office is to provide accessible quality higher education and to produce competent human power to the labor market by providing integrated training and open learning through summer, continuing and distance education programs.
The CDEP office of Salale University shall have the following goals:
- Produce knowledgeable, skilled, and attitudinally mature graduates with demand-based proportional balance of fields and disciplines so that the country shall become internationally competitive;
- Expand higher education services that are free from any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, sex, ethnicity, politics, disability, and other similar grounds;
- Design and provide community services that address the developmental needs of the country;
- Ensure official autonomy with accountability;
The office of CDEP of Salale University shall have the following objectives:
- To provide educational opportunities to those who are not able to attend education in the regular programs of Higher Educational Institutions and to secure a profession to the local community in accordance with the criteria set by the MoE.
- To provide educational opportunities for all without detaching them from their work place by broadening the scope of continuing and distance education programs.
- To generate income to the University.
- To contribute to human capacity building of governmental and non-governmental organization seeking in-service training without detaching them from their career.
- To conduct/host short term training programmes and refreshment courses in various aspects of knowledge.
- Provide scholarships to disadvantaged groups.
- Build the capacity and professional development of the university administrative staff through providing them scholarship.
The CDEP Office is committed to the following core values:
- Integrity
- Excellence
- Transparency
- Confidentiality
- Accountability
- Collaborative spirit
- Diversity
- Academic freedom
Address: Office phone: +251118737762
P.O.Box 452, Salale University, Fitche, Oromia, Ethiopia
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