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Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairperson of the Senate

The University President or his delegate shall be the chairperson of the Senate and has the
following duties and responsibilities:
- Leads and supervises the activities of the Senate;
- Directs and follows up the implementation of Senate decisions;
- Calls to order the regular and extraordinary meetings of the Senate;
- Sees to it that the Senate members are notified in time of the agenda of Senate meetings;
- In the absence of the chairperson, the VPAA shall act as chairperson of the Senate.

The University senate members are :

The following are voting members of the University Senate:

  •  The President, chairperson
  •  All Vice Presidents, members
  •  Student Service Director, member
  •  Academic Program Director, member
  •  Quality Assurance Director, member
  •  Research and Publication Director, member
  •  Community Service Director, member
  •  All College Deans, Institute Directors, School heads, members
  •  Teachers’ Association President and Gender Officer (Female), members
  •  Continuing and Distance Education Director, member
  •  Two student representatives (one of them the President of the student union and one of them a female), members
  •  Gender and HIV/AIDS Affairs Director, member
  •  University Registrar and Alumni Director, member and secretary
  •  University Librarian, member
  •  Public and External Relations Director, member



Visitors Counter



Oromia Health Bureau

Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute

Oromo Research and Cultural  Development Center Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority Books for Africa




The University of Kansas

Southern Medical University

Vellore Institute of Technology University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Saharsa Crop Science



Catholic Relief Service

Jiangsu University

Nelson Mandela University Netherlands Senior Experts Group Lebniz University



Indiana State University –USA

Ohio State University -USA

Geological Survey of Ethiopia National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center Entrepreneurship Development Center




STEM Power Ethiopia

Livestock Development Institute

Salale Development Group Initiative Environment and Coffee Forest Forum Federal Forest Development Institute