Theme 1: Science and the Society
- Nanotechnology
- Strengthening and promoting science, mathematics and technology
- Enhancing mushroom production and processing
- Integrating indigenous knowledge and practices into scientific interventions
- Radiation Effect and protection
- Early warning information using geographic information system (GIS)
- Small area estimation
- Physiological effect of exercise on the human body
- Statistical Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Biometric & Econometric modeling &analysis
- Mathematical logic and the philosophy of mathematics
- Operations research techniques
- Mining geology
- Mineralogy and mineral optics
- Geophysics
- Geochemistry
- Engineering geology
- Evolution of calendar system (oromo calendar )
- Small scale industry
Theme 2: Education
- Educational quality
- Capacity building (teachers, administrators)
- Barrier to practical training in science fields
- Curriculum
- Assessment of laboratory organization
- An Assessment of the Research Capacity of Higher Education Institutions
- Assessing the importance of special need education
- Impediment to Library utilization
- Practice of cheating by students
- Teaching methods
- National competency (Professional efficiency of teachers, …)
- Students attrition rate
Theme3: Environmental, Water, Health and Safety Issues
- Water treatment
- Environmental pollution
- Sanitation
- Heavy metals
- Hazardous metals
- Solid waste
- Liquid waste
- Water and sanitation projects evaluation
- Health care and hazardous waste management
- Waste recycling
- Physico- chemical Water quality
- Biological water quality
- Water bodies pollution
- Ground water contaminant transport modeling
- Modeling diseases spreading
Theme 4: Water, Energy, Environment and Development Issues
Sub-Theme 4.1: Water and Environment
- Water and food borne disease management
- Fresh water organisms
- Atmospheric pollution studies
- Ground water potential assessment
- Ground water resources management
- Hydrological investigation and hydro geochemistry
- Integrated hydrological and hydrogeological system analysis
- Mathematical modeling in water and other resource management
- Bayesian modeling and analysis
- Water recycling
- Environmental engineering analysis.
- Environmental impact assessment
- Vulnerability to climate change
- Biodiversity and sustainable ecosystem conservation and management
- Biological and other remediation measures for contaminated soil as well as air and water pollution
- Molecular characterization of flora and fauna
- Fishery and aquaculture research interventions
- Instrumentation development for environment protection
- Material structure studies using computational techniques
- Sanitation project.
- Water harvesting techniques.
- Solid waste management
- Liquid waste management
- Water supply and sanitation (processes in treatment plants)
- Environmental pollution control
- Ecological sanitation technology
- Climate change adaptation
- Assessment of water sources
- Water and sanitation management in slum and low income areas
- Tissue culture (animal and plant)
Sub-Theme 4.2: Energy
- Alternative and renewable sources energy (Geothermal energy, …)
- Sustainable source of energy (Biomass energy, …)
- Geo-hazards mitigations
- Geophysical survey
- Utilization of wind and solar energy
- Biogas plant design and implementation
- Small scale hydropower project
- Land, energy and Livelihoods
- Solar energy
- Wind energy
- Assessment of Green energy for Ethiopia
- Refrigeration and air conditioning system
- Solar heater and solar collector
- Wind turbine
- Wind pump
- Biofuel plant
- Rural energy saving stove/wood saver
Theme 5: Natural Resource and Development
- Sustainable natural resources conservation, utilization and management
- Developing biological control for crop pests and vectors
- Behavioral Biology
- Indigenous knowledge, soil degradation, poverty and farmers willingness in natural resource management
- Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded lands.
- Medicinal Plants
- Soil fertility
- Biodiversity (Wildlife) conservation and management.
- Impact of infrastructure (road)on soil and water conservation
- Landscape suitability analysis and capability classification
- Wild life and its rangeland management
- Faire protection and plants adaption
- GIS Application on sustainable utilization and management of natural resources
- Bio-Mining
- Biomedical modeling and analysis
- Distribution and abundance of plants
- Ethno botanical plants
- Nitrogen fixation
- Genotype Phenotype characterization
Theme 6: Food and Nutrition Related Issues
- Food preservation
- Food inborn diseases
- Food security and Health
- Improvement of food products
- Food microbiology
- Food handlers
- Physical and chemical food analysis
- Food spoilage
- Harmful and helpful traditional nutritional practices
- The magnitude and types of nutritional problems in children
- Prevalence and pattern of macronutrient deficiencies, micronutrient deficiencies
- Factors related to nutrition related problems
- Evaluation of nutrition intervention programs
- Policy issues in nutrition
Theme 7: Information and Communication Technology
- Automation
- Information and awareness
- Technology Business Incubation in Ethiopia
- Development, follow-up policy, standards, procedure, guideline, of ICT at regional and national level.
- Implement/ Support, E-government assignments, regionally and nationally.
- Facilitate and coordinate the development of the required National ICT Infrastructure;
- E-learning, E-Revenue, E-Agriculture, E-Environment, E-Education, E-commerce, E-government and E-health systems.
- Institutional Archives and document management
- National digital Library for Higher education
- ICTs in education challenges and research questions
- Telemedicine and health diagnosis
- Health management information system and Electronic medical records
- Agricultural market information system
- Data mining
- Student & integrated teaching information system and online teaching/learning models
- Text analyzer in information systems
- Software engineering and programming language
- System design and analysis
- Internet applications
- Computer networking
- Social network analysis
- security system /camera system/
- IT effectiveness in Enterprise Systems
- Natural language processing
- Artificial intelligence
- Visual computing and
- Theory and Algorithms