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Education is a key instrument for humanity, global thinking and national sentiment. In Line with this, Language and Literature education aims for communicative competencies, proficiencies, cross cultural experiences and multiple literacies is a base for all aspect of knowledge. This shows that, Language and Literature gives students the opportunity to access the understanding, knowledge and skills to promote their personal growth and effective participation in society. As well, the study of language and literature enables students to build on their learning in primary school and further develop their skills and enjoyment in using it effectively.

Through language and literature learning and use, students discover information, develop thinking, and express ideas and feelings. They learn about language, and how to use it well in all areas of their studies. Ethiopia also needs well-qualified and professional language experts and literary professionals. Thus, Ethiopian language and literature is one of the institutions that aims in attaining this goal. The department has, thus, been launched in response to the shortage of local language experts and professional art makers in different sectors in the nation. The target of the department, therefore, is to educate and train general language experts, writers, researchers who work in different offices. Generally, the department is aimed at producing all rounded experts in the fields for different institutions and offices.


As a Language & Literature trainer program, the Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature – Amharic program has the following mission/goal:

  1. Train writers and critics, public relation officers, editors and translators;
  2. Train researchers in the field of literature and human concerns;
  3. Organize and offer short term training and workshops;

3.1 Offer short term training on language skills and literature: (1) Report writing, and (2) Literature principles and related issues, (3) Translation.

3.2 Organize workshops on: (1) Language’s study (Linguistics), and (2) Literature (editing, literary criticism etc.).

  1. Offer language related services related to:

 4.1 Translation service 

4.2 Editing service 

4.3. Preparation and evaluation of language curriculum 

4.4. Public relation services

4.5. Transcription 

4.6. Event organizing.

  1. Conduct Research on the various languages and literatures of Ethiopia: (1) With reference to the problems of organization and institutions, thereby give consultant service, and (2) to participate at regional and national forums.
  2. Facilitate the fertile ground for produce secondary and high school teachers.
  3. Recognize culture-specific perspectives and values embedded in language behaviour.
  4. Decode, analyze, and interpret authentic texts of different genres.
  5. Produce organized coherent discourse in oral and written modes.


To produce well qualified graduate in line with the vision and center of excellence of the university.

  • Programs
  • BA: Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature- Amharic
  • MA: Applied Linguistics in teaching Amharic
  • Staff




Academic rank


Tekalign Lema (PhD)

Applied Linguistics in teaching Ethiopian Languages



Dawit Frehiwot (PhD)

Applied Linguistics in teaching Ethiopian Languages



Eshetu Wendimu (PhD)

Applied Linguistics in teaching Ethiopian Languages



Getachew Anteneh (PhD)




Derib Getachew

Ethiopian Literature & Folklore



Fitsum Kurabachew

Ethiopian Literature & Folklore



Pawlos Zemariam

Ethiopian Literature & Folklore



Befkadu Mebratu

Multilingual & multicultural


  • Seminars and Conferences
  • Book review- quarterly
  • Research/ Community Service
  • Language
  • Folklore/ Culture
  • Communication
  • Education areas
  • Facilities
  • Language laboratories

Visitors Counter



Oromia Health Bureau

Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute

Oromo Research and Cultural  Development Center Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority Books for Africa




The University of Kansas

Southern Medical University

Vellore Institute of Technology University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Saharsa Crop Science



Catholic Relief Service

Jiangsu University

Nelson Mandela University Netherlands Senior Experts Group Lebniz University



Indiana State University –USA

Ohio State University -USA

Geological Survey of Ethiopia National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center Entrepreneurship Development Center




STEM Power Ethiopia

Livestock Development Institute

Salale Development Group Initiative Environment and Coffee Forest Forum Federal Forest Development Institute