members of our University. I trust that there can be no better means to achieve and improve the nation’s life in all directions than through education system. And, education is the basis for all types’ progresses, which only possible if its access and equity is well addressed. It is with this grand mission that Salale University was established in 2015 in Fiche town (North Showa, Oromia Region) at 112 km from Addis Ababa. Since its establishment, SlU has been robustly working on its three fundamental missions:- education, research and community services. It started the teaching learning activities with only nine undergraduate programs, now reaching more than thirty undergraduate programs, and also the faculties have already finalized preparations to launch graduate programs in some fields on 2020. The North Showa of Oromia region (where our university is located), mostly known with the name ‘Salale’ for some historic reason, is bordered by two big tributaries of the Nile river namely; Mogor and Jama, and the Nile river itself, making the area to receive high attention by researchers and academicians for the occurrence of some potential minerals. I would also like to bring to your attention that this area is characterized by dairy products than elsewhere in the country, which needs a range of researches on improving the quality of the dairy products, maximizing the production and solving problems related to marketization to overall improve the livelihood of our community. We also recognize that our area is rich in culture, traditional music, and arts, and SlU is focusing to provide extensive support and digitalize this traditional wealth through technological transformation. SlU has also launched a horse day to be celebrated once in a year in recognition to the great role and place of horse in Salale’s every piece of tradition. The horse day is accompanied by demonstration of different traditional arts and show, competition among local riders, and others; in which in the future, this can be linked to tourism industry. As a young University, we are expected to work hard in looking for both national and international collaboration and partnerships on researches, development areas, community services and other capacity building through joint projects and university- industry linkage to further achieve our mission. The leaderships of our University are very positive, open minded and visionary who love to work towards maintaining Salale University sustainably going on the right track to meet its mission.
Finally, thank you to give your time to explore our website, and welcome your comments, advice, and suggestion.
Genanew Gofe (PhD), University President.
Address : Main Campus,Management Building
Tel : +251-0118 737 875
Fax : +251-0111 60 98 05
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
P.O Box : 245, Fiche, Oromia, Ethiopia